Monday, February 20, 2012



   [bluhn-der]  Show IPA
a gross, stupid, or careless mistake

I am completely outraged by how someone can change in the matter of a month. I set expectations for people in my life and they are very realistic. I have learned when they do not meet up to these expectations, causing stress and disappointment, then that means they are not worth the trouble. I should move on and stop wasting my time.

But, it is in fact sad when this happens. I witnessed someone, who I believe has the capability to be an absolutely remarkable person, make a very stupid mistake, or "blunder", causing much embarrassment and shame on their part. I am utterly appalled. Unfortunately, they have become so conceded they failed to feel any remorse for this mistake. It has also greatly affected someone else's life and yet no apology was given. It is very sad to see someone fail at becoming a remarkable person.

Luckily, for me I was able to find some positivity out of this blunder. I was told a few months ago when talking to a therapist about this person that I was the one becoming enlightened. At the time my self esteem was at an all time low but now I realize she was right. I was on my way to becoming enlightened... and I was the remarkable one for working towards becoming a better person.